Sascha Lässig Photography Crew Royal Pixels Ghana

Some Information about the Photographer

Born and raised in Weimar, a small town in a less crowded area in the middle of Germany I never had any connections to the country of Ghana. Just knew some football players from there and could mark it on world map. But this was all. Then I started to study political science at the University of Jena, not far from my hometown and after a while I started to focus on international relations and European Studies. Even then Africa was just a small part of it. But in a course about migration policy a lecturer offered me an opportunity for an internship in Ghana. I had time, needed some inspiration for my final thesis and of course looked out for a small adventure. So I said yes, travelled to Ghana for seven weeks and fell in love with this country. From now on I was totally focused on the relations between Ghana and Europe and wrote my final thesis about the foreign policy of Kwame Nkrumah. Beside my studies photography was my big passion and so I also took the opportunity to frame Ghana with my camera while doing my researches. Between 2013 and 2018 I visited Ghana every year with different personal projects and ideas. On this homepage I want to share some of my photos and impressions from all these weeks I’ve spent in this wonderful country.
